Russian Telemetry and Translation: русский
Signal Status Last Telemetry Update
Select Category Telemetry ID Telemetry Info Value Timestamp
EVAAIRLOCK000001 Supplies power through the Umbilical Interface Assembly (UIA) to the spacesuits (EMU 1), Voltage
EVAAIRLOCK000002 Supplies power through the Umbilical Interface Assembly (UIA) to the spacesuits (EMU 1), Current
EVAAIRLOCK000003 Supplies power through the Umbilical Interface Assembly (UIA) to the spacesuits (EMU 2), Voltage
EVAAIRLOCK000004 Supplies power through the Umbilical Interface Assembly (UIA) to the spacesuits (EMU 2), Current
EVAAIRLOCK000005 In-flight Refill Unit (IRU), Voltage
EVAAIRLOCK000006 In-flight Refill Unit (IRU), Current
EVAAIRLOCK000007 Supplies power to the spacesuits (EVA Mobility Unit, EMU 1), Voltage
EVAAIRLOCK000008 Supplies power to the spacesuits (EVA Mobility Unit, EMU 1), Current
EVAAIRLOCK000009 Supplies power to the spacesuits (EVA Mobility Unit, EMU 2), Voltage
EVAAIRLOCK000010 Supplies power to the spacesuits (EVA Mobility Unit, EMU 2), Current
EVAAIRLOCK000011 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 1 Voltage
EVAAIRLOCK000012 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 1 Current
EVAAIRLOCK000013 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 2 Voltage
EVAAIRLOCK000014 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 2 Current
EVAAIRLOCK000015 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 3 Voltage
EVAAIRLOCK000016 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 3 Current
EVAAIRLOCK000017 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 4 Voltage
EVAAIRLOCK000018 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 4 Current
EVAAIRLOCK000019 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 1 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000020 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 2 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000021 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 3 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000022 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 4 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000023 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 1 Channel 1 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000024 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 1 Channel 2 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000025 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 1 Channel 3 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000026 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 1 Channel 4 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000027 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 1 Channel 5 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000028 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 1 Channel 6 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000029 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 2 Channel 1 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000030 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 2 Channel 2 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000031 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 2 Channel 3 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000032 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 2 Channel 4 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000033 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 2 Channel 5 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000034 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 2 Channel 6 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000035 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 3 Channel 1 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000036 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 3 Channel 2 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000037 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 3 Channel 3 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000038 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 3 Channel 4 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000039 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 3 Channel 5 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000040 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 3 Channel 6 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000041 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 4 Channel 1 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000042 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 4 Channel 2 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000043 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 4 Channel 3 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000044 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 4 Channel 4 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000045 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 4 Channel 5 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000046 Battery Charger Assembly (BCA) 4 Channel 6 Status
EVAAIRLOCK000047 Pumps atmosphere from Airlock into Node one during depress, voltage status.
EVAAIRLOCK000048 Pumps atmosphere from Airlock into Node one during depress, switch status.
ETHOSAIRLOCK000049 Crewlock Pressure [torr]
ETHOSAIRLOCK000050 Hi P O2 Supply valve position
ETHOSAIRLOCK000051 Lo P O2 Supply Valve position
ETHOSAIRLOCK000052 N2 Supply Valve position
ETHOSAIRLOCK000053 Airlock Air Conditioner State
ETHOSAIRLOCK000054 Airlock Pressure [torr]
ETHOSAIRLOCK000055 Airlock Hi P O2 Tank Pressure [torr]
ETHOSAIRLOCK000056 Airlock Lo P O2 Tank Pressure [torr]
ETHOSAIRLOCK000057 Airlock N2 Tank Pressure [torr]
ETHOSNODE2000001 Coolant Water (Node 2), MediumTemp [%?]
ETHOSNODE2000002 Coolant Water (Node 2), LowTemp [%?]
ETHOSNODE2000003 Node 2 Air Conditioner State
ETHOSNODE2000006 Air Cooling Fluid Temp (Node 2) [°C]
ETHOSNODE2000007 Avionics Cooling Fluid Temp (Node 2) [°C]
ETHOSNODE3000001 Node 3 ppO2 [torr]
ETHOSNODE3000002 Node 3 ppN2 [torr]
ETHOSNODE3000003 Node 3 ppCO2 [torr]
ETHOSNODE3000004 Urine Processor State
ETHOSNODE3000005 Urine Tank [%]
ETHOSNODE3000006 Water Processor State
ETHOSNODE3000007 Water Processor Step
ETHOSNODE3000008 Waste Water Tank [%?]
ETHOSNODE3000009 Clean Water Tank [%?]
ETHOSNODE3000010 Oxygen Generator State
ETHOSNODE3000011 O2 Production Rate [lb/day]
ETHOSNODE3000012 Avionics Cooling Fluid Temp (Node 3) [°C]
ETHOSNODE3000017 Coolant Water (Node 3) [%?]
ETHOSNODE3000018 Node 3 Air Conditioner State
ETHOSNODE3000019 Coolant Water (Node 3) [%?]
ETHOSNODE3000013 Air Cooling Fluid Temp (Node 3) [°C]
ETHOSUSLAB000053 Lab ppO2 [torr]
ETHOSUSLAB000054 Lab ppN2 [torr]
ETHOSUSLAB000055 Lab ppCO2 [torr]
ETHOSUSLAB000056 Coolant Water (Lab), LowTemp [%?]
ETHOSUSLAB000057 Coolant Water (Lab), MediumTemp [%?]
ETHOSUSLAB000058 Cabin Pressure [torr]
ETHOSUSLAB000059 Cabin Temperature [°C]
ETHOSUSLAB000060 Avionics Cooling Fluid Temp (Lab) [°C]
ETHOSUSLAB000061 Air Cooling Fluid Temp (Lab) [°C]
ETHOSUSLAB000062 Vacuum Resource System Valve Position
ETHOSUSLAB000063 Vacuum Exhaust System Valve Position
ETHOSUSLAB000064 Lab Port Air Conditioner State
ETHOSUSLAB000065 Lab Starboard Air Conditioner State
CDHS1000006 Starboard Thermal Radiator (STR) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) on-off status
VVOS0000007 Starboard Thermal Radiator Rotating Joint (TRRJ) - Loop A - Software mode
SPARTAN/VVOS0000001 Starboard Thermal Radiator Rotating Joint (TRRJ) Position [°]
SPARTANS1000001 Loop A (Stbd) Pump Flowrate [kg/hr]
SPARTANS1000002 Loop A (Stbd) PM Out Press [kPa]
SPARTANS1000003 Loop A (Stbd) PM Out Temp [°C]
CDHP1000008 Port Thermal Radiator (STR) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) on-off status
VVOS0000006 Port Thermal Radiator Rotating Joint (TRRJ) - Loop B - Software mode
SPARTAN/VVOS0000002 Port Thermal Radiator Rotating Joint (TRRJ) Position [°]
SPARTANP1000001 Loop B (Port) Pump Flowrate [kg/hr]
SPARTANP1000002 Loop B (Port) PM Out Press [kPa]
SPARTANP1000003 Loop B (Port) PM Out Temp [°C]
VVOS0000008 Port Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ) Mode
SPARTAN/VVOS0000004 Port Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ) Angle Position [°]
VVOS0000005 Port Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ) Angle Commanded Position [°]
SPARTANP4000001 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 2A - Drive Voltage
SPARTANP4000002 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 2A - Drive Current
SPARTANP4000007 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 2A - Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA) Position [°]
CDHP4000003 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 2A Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 120 Volt On-Off Status
SPARTANP4000004 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 4A - Drive Voltage
SPARTANP4000005 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 4A - Drive Current
SPARTANP4000008 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 4A - Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA) Position [°]
CDHP4000006 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 4A Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 120 Volt On-Off Status
SPARTANP6000001 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 4B - Drive Voltage
SPARTANP6000002 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 4B - Drive Current
SPARTANP6000007 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 4B - Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA) Position [°]
CDHP6000003 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 4B Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 120 Volt On-Off Status
SPARTANP6000004 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 2B - Drive Voltage
SPARTANP6000005 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 2B - Drive Current
SPARTANP6000008 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 2B - Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA) Position [°]
CDHP6000006 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 2B Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 120 Volt On-Off Status
VVOS0000009 Starboard Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ) Mode
SPARTAN/VVOS0000003 Starboard Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ) Angle Position [°]
SPARTANS4000001 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 1A - Drive Voltage
SPARTANS4000002 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 1A - Drive Current
SPARTANS4000007 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 1A - Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA) Position [°]
CDHS4000003 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 1A Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 120 Volt On-Off Status
SPARTANS4000004 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 3A - Drive Voltage
SPARTANS4000005 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 3A - Drive Current
SPARTANS4000008 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 3A - Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA) Position [°]
CDHS4000006 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 3A Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 120 Volt On-Off Status
SPARTANS6000001 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 3B - Drive Voltage
SPARTANS6000002 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 3B - Drive Current
SPARTANS6000007 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 3B - Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA) Position [°]
CDHS6000003 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 3B Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 120 Volt On-Off Status
SPARTANS6000004 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 1B - Drive Voltage
SPARTANS6000005 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 1B - Drive Current
SPARTANS6000008 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 1B - Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA) Position [°]
CDHS6000006 Photovolatic Control Unit (PVCU) - Solar Array - 1B Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 120 Volt On-Off Status
ROSRUSSEG000001 Russian Segment Station Mode - Service Module
ROSRUSSEG000002 First Kurs Equipment Kit Operating
ROSRUSSEG000003 Second Kurs Equipment Kit Operating
ROSRUSSEG000004 Service Module Kurs P1, P2 Failure
ROSRUSSEG000005 Distance from Service Module Kurs Range [m]
ROSRUSSEG000006 Rate from Service Module Kurs Range Rate [m/s]
ROSRUSSEG000007 Service Module Kurs-P Test Mode
ROSRUSSEG000008 Service Module Kurs-P "Capture" Signal Availability
ROSRUSSEG000009 Service Module Kurs-P Target Acquisition Signal
ROSRUSSEG000010 Service Module Kurs-P Functional Mode Signal
ROSRUSSEG000011 Service Module Kurs-P Standby Mode
ROSRUSSEG000012 Service Module Docking Flag
ROSRUSSEG000013 Service Module Forward Docking Port Engaged
ROSRUSSEG000015 Service Module Nadir Docking Port Engaged
ROSRUSSEG000016 Functional Cargo Block (FGB) Nadir Docking Port Engaged
ROSRUSSEG000014 Service Module Aft Docking Port Engaged
ROSRUSSEG000017 RS Node (Prichal) Docking Port Engaged
ROSRUSSEG000018 Mini Research Module (MRM) 1 Docking Port Engaged
ROSRUSSEG000019 Mini Research Module (MRM) 2 Docking Port Engaged
ROSRUSSEG000020 Service Module - Docked Vehicle Hooks Closed
ROSRUSSEG000021 Service Module GNC Active Attitude Mode
ROSRUSSEG000022 Service Module GNC Motion Control
ROSRUSSEG000023 Service Module GNC Prepared to Free Drift Mode Transition
ROSRUSSEG000024 Service Module GNC Thruster Operation Mode Terminated
ROSRUSSEG000025 Service Module GNC Current Dynamic Mode
N/ATIME_000001 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
N/ATIME_000002 Year
ADCOUSLAB000011 Desaturation Request (Enabled/Inhibited)
ADCO/VVOUSLAB000012 US Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) Mode
ADCOUSLAB000013 US Attitude Source
ADCOUSLAB000014 US Rate Source
ADCOUSLAB000015 US State Vector Source
ADCOUSLAB000016 Attitude Controller Type
ADCOUSLAB000017 Attitude Control Reference Frame
ADCOUSLAB000YAW US Attitude Yaw [°]
ADCOUSLAB000PIT US Attitude Pitch [°]
ADCOUSLAB000ROL US Attitude Roll [°]
ADCOUSLAB000024 US Attitude Yaw Error [°]
ADCOUSLAB000023 US Attitude Pitch Error [°]
ADCOUSLAB000022 US Attitude Roll Error [°]
ADCOUSLAB000025 US Inertial Attitude Rate X [°/s]
ADCOUSLAB000026 US Inertial Attitude Rate Y [°/s]
ADCOUSLAB000027 US Inertial Attitude Rate Z [°/s]
ADCOUSLAB000018 US Current Local Vertical Local Horizontal (LVLH) Attitude Quaternion Component 0
ADCOUSLAB000019 US Current Local Vertical Local Horizontal (LVLH) Attitude Quaternion Component 1
ADCOUSLAB000020 US Current Local Vertical Local Horizontal (LVLH) Attitude Quaternion Component 2
ADCOUSLAB000021 US Current Local Vertical Local Horizontal (LVLH) Attitude Quaternion Component 3
ADCOUSLAB000028 US Commanded Attitude Quaternion Component 0
ADCOUSLAB000029 US Commanded Attitude Quaternion Component 1
ADCOUSLAB000030 US Commanded Attitude Quaternion Component 2
ADCOUSLAB000031 US Commanded Attitude Quaternion Component 3
ADCO/TOPOUSLAB000032 US Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) J2000 Propagated State Vector - X [km]
ADCO/TOPOUSLAB000033 US Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) J2000 Propagated State Vector - Y [km]
ADCO/TOPOUSLAB000034 US Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) J2000 Propagated State Vector - Z [km]
ADCO/TOPOUSLAB000035 US Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) J2000 Propagated State Vector - X [m/s]
ADCO/TOPOUSLAB000036 US Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) J2000 Propagated State Vector - Y [m/s]
ADCO/TOPOUSLAB000037 US Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) J2000 Propagated State Vector - Z [m/s]
TOPOUSLAB000ALT ISS Altitude from State Vectors [km]
ADCOUSLAB000039 ISS Total Mass [kg]
ADCOUSLAB000040 Solar Beta Angle [°]
ADCOUSLAB000041 Loss of CMG Attitude Control (LOAC) Caution Message In Alarm
ADCOUSLAB000042 Loss of ISS Attitude Control (LOAC) Caution Message In Alarm
ADCOUSLAB000043 Global Positioning System (GPS-1) Ops Status
ADCOUSLAB000044 Global Positioning System (GPS-2) Ops Status
ADCOUSLAB000005 Number of Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)s Online
ADCOUSLAB000001 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-1 On-Line
ADCOUSLAB000002 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-2 On-Line
ADCOUSLAB000003 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-3 On-Line
ADCOUSLAB000004 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-4 On-Line
ADCOUSLAB000006 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) Control Torque - Roll [N-m]
ADCOUSLAB000007 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) Control Torque - Pitch [N-m]
ADCOUSLAB000008 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) Control Torque - Yaw [N-m]
ADCOUSLAB000009 Active Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) Momentum [Nms]
ADCO/VVOUSLAB000010 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) Momentum [%]
ADCOUSLAB000038 Active Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) Momentum Capacity [Nms]
ADCOUSLAB000045 Spin Motor Spin Bearing Temperature - Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 1 [°C]
ADCOUSLAB000046 Spin Motor Spin Bearing Temperature - Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 2 [°C]
ADCOUSLAB000047 Spin Motor Spin Bearing Temperature - Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 3 [°C]
ADCOUSLAB000048 Spin Motor Spin Bearing Temperature - Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 4 [°C]
ADCOUSLAB000049 Hall Resolver Spin Bearing Temperature - Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 1 [°C]
ADCOUSLAB000050 Hall Resolver Spin Bearing Temperature - Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 2 [°C]
ADCOUSLAB000051 Hall Resolver Spin Bearing Temperature - Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 3 [°C]
ADCOUSLAB000052 Hall Resolver Spin Bearing Temperature - Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 4 [°C]
ADCOZ1000001 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-1 Vibration [g]
ADCOZ1000002 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-2 Vibration [g]
ADCOZ1000003 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-3 Vibration [g]
ADCOZ1000004 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-4 Vibration [g]
ADCOZ1000005 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-1 Spin Motor Current [A]
ADCOZ1000006 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-2 Spin Motor Current [A]
ADCOZ1000007 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-3 Spin Motor Current [A]
ADCOZ1000008 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG)-4 Spin Motor Current [A]
ADCOZ1000009 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 1 Wheel Speed [rpm]
ADCOZ1000010 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 2 Wheel Speed [rpm]
ADCOZ1000011 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 3 Wheel Speed [rpm]
ADCOZ1000012 Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) 4 Wheel Speed [rpm]
CDHS0000010 External Control Zone Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHS0000012 External Control Zone Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000066 Command and Control (C&C) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000067 Command and Control (C&C) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000068 Command and Control (C&C) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 3 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000069 Internal Control Zone Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000070 Internal Control Zone Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000071 Payload (PL) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000072 Payload (PL) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000073 Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer 1 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000074 Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer 2 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000075 Power Mangement Controller Unit (PMCU) 1 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer 1 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000076 Power Mangement Controller Unit (PMCU) 2 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer 1 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000077 US Lab Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000078 US Lab Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000079 US Lab Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 3 on-off status
CDHAIRLOCK000058 Airlock Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) on-off status
CDHNODE1000001 Node 1 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHNODE1000002 Node 1 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHNODE2000005 Node 2 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHNODE2000004 Node 2 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHNODE3000020 Node 3 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHNODE3000015 Node 3 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHNODE3000016 Hub Control Zone (HCZ) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer 1 (MDM) on-off status
CDHNODE3000014 Hub Control Zone (HCZ) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer 2 (MDM) on-off status
CDHS3000001 S3 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHS3000002 S3 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHS1000007 S1 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHS1000008 S1 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHS0000011 S0 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHS0000013 S0 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHP1000006 P1 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHP1000009 P1 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHP3000001 P3 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 1 on-off status
CDHP3000002 P3 Truss Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) 2 on-off status
CDHUSLAB000080 Permanent Multipurpose Module - System Power voltage status
VVOUSLAB000081 Attitude Maneuver In Progress status
ODINUSLAB000082 Standard Command Counter - Count of standard commands received by the ISS Command and Control Computer
ODINUSLAB000083 Data Load Command Counter - Count of data load commands received by the ISS Command and Control Computer
ODINUSLAB000084 ISS Command and Control Multiplexer/Demultiplexer Onboard Time (course)
ODINUSLAB000085 ISS Command and Control Multiplexer/Demultiplexer Onboard Time (fine)
ODIN/VVOUSLAB000086 ISS Station Mode
ODINUSLAB000087 # Laptops active and connected to the Primary Command and Control (C&C) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM)
CATOUSLAB000088 Ku-Band Video Downlink Channel 1 Activity
CATOUSLAB000089 Ku-Band Video Downlink Channel 2 Activity
CATOUSLAB000090 Ku-Band Video Downlink Channel 3 Activity
CATOUSLAB000091 Ku-Band Video Downlink Channel 4 Activity
CATOUSLAB000093 Internal Audio Controller (IAC) - IAC-1 Active/Backup Indication
CATOUSLAB000094 Internal Audio Controller (IAC) - IAC-2 Active/Backup Indication
CATOUSLAB000095 Video Source Routed to Downlink 1
CATOUSLAB000096 Video Source Routed to Downlink 2
CATOUSLAB000097 Video Source Routed to Downlink 3
CATOUSLAB000098 Video Source Routed to Downlink 4
CATOUSLAB000099 Space-To-Space Radio (UHF) 1 Power
CATOUSLAB000100 Space-To-Space Radio (UHF) 2 Power
CATOUSLAB000101 Space-To-Space Radio Frame Sync Lock
TOPOUSLAB000102 State vector time tag
CATOUSLAB000092 Active String of S-Band
CATOS1000009 S-Band Radio Frequency Group (RFG 1), on-off status
CATOS1000004 S-Band Radio Frequency Group (RFG 1) Azimuth Gimbal Position [°]
CATO/VVOS1000005 S-Band Radio Frequency Group (RFG 1) Elevation Gimbal Position [°]
CATOP1000007 S-Band Radio Frequency Group (RFG 2), on-off status
CATOP1000004 S-Band Radio Frequency Group (RFG 2) Azimuth Gimbal Position [°]
CATOP1000005 S-Band Radio Frequency Group (RFG 2) Elevation Gimbal Position [°]
CATOZ1000013 Ku-Band Transmit
CATOZ1000014 Ku-Band SGANT Elevation Position [°]
CATOZ1000015 Ku-Band SGANT Cross-Elevation Position [°]
CSACSAMT000001 MT Position Float [cm from center of truss, + = stbd]
CSACSAMT000002 MT Utility Port ID
CSACSAMBA00003-4 SSRMS LEE Stop Condition
CSACSASSRMS004 SSRMS SR Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASSRMS005 SSRMS SY Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASSRMS006 SSRMS SP Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASSRMS007 SSRMS EP Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASSRMS008 SSRMS WP Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASSRMS009 SSRMS WY Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASSRMS010 SSRMS WR Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0001-1 SPDM Operating Base
CSACSASPDM0002 SPDM Base Location
CSACSASPDM0003 SPDM 1 SR Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0004 SPDM 1 SY Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0005 SPDM 1 SP Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0006 SPDM 1 EP Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0007 SPDM 1 WP Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0008 SPDM 1 WY Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0009 SPDM 1 WR Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0010 SPDM Arm 1 OTCM Payload Status
CSACSASPDM0011 SPDM 2 SR Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0012 SPDM 2 SY Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0013 SPDM 2 SP Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0014 SPDM 2 EP Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0015 SPDM 2 WP Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0016 SPDM 2 WY Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0017 SPDM 2 WR Measured Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0019 SPDM Arm 2 OTCM Payload Status
CSACSASPDM0020 SPDM Body Roll Joint Position [°]
CSACSASPDM0021-1 SPDM LEE Stop Condition
CSACSASPDM0022 SPDM Body Payload Status
CSACSAMBS00001-1 MBS Operating Base
CSACSAMBS00001-2 MBS Base Location
CSACSAMBS00002 MBS MCAS Payload Status
CSACSAMBA00003-1 MBS POA Stop Condition
CSACSAMBA00003-2 MBS POA Run Speed
CSACSAMBA00004 MBS POA Payload Status